
To utilise the telephone/ face to face/ video consultation service, you must phone the surgery during opening hours, Monday-Friday. Face to face appointments are arranged if deemed appropriate. You can also access appointments online via the link on the home page for non-urgent healthcare. These requests come through to the practice system and triaged within a few days and an appointment made as necessary.
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse or Clinical Pharmacist rather than a doctor. They are qualified to deal with many conditions and you may be seen more quickly.
The Reception team may ask you a couple of questions whilst making your appointment to help signpost you to the most appropriate clinician.
Changing / Cancelling Appointments
If you would like to change / cancel your appointment please ring reception before your appointment time. This appointment can then be given to someone else. If you have been sent a text reminder for your appointment there is also an option to cancel your appointment.
Telephone Advice
Should you need to speak to a clinician via the telephone please call reception on 0161 740 2106. The receptionist may ask you some questions in order to assist the clinician.
Alternative Options to Access Healthcare
Once you have provided the reason for your appointment, the receptionist can help signpost you to the most appropriate service. Other options that may be available are:
- Extended Access appointments in the local Hub including evening and weekends
- Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS) for minor ailments
- Online Consultations via the surgery website (home page)
- Direct booking for Physio appointments
- Referral to the Social Prescribing Services
Training Practice
We are a training practice. Occasionally there may be a student doctor in the surgery; please let us know if you would prefer to be seen without the student present.